Georgie is the oil that keeps the FGD engine running. She knows everything and everyone at FGD. She is our go-to for any pickle, small or large, that we find ourselves in. We’d fall apart entirely without her ever dependable presence.

She has worked at FGD for nearly 10 years and, she works directly with Jim Dunn (CEO) and the whole Directorship on technology, client services, HR, recruitment, events, training and marketing.

Strengths: Piecing together the puzzle of FGD, connecting all of our internal departments to ensure we are able to continue to deliver high quality legal services to our clients.

Real Person

Expect to be good mates with Georgie in no time, she’s that type of person! Buy her a coffee (details below) if you’d like to speed up the process. 😉

Georgie has two mini sausage dogs and can be found wandering around the local farmers market with them on the weekends.

Our People