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Burial, Cremation and Funeral Arrangements – Does what I want really matter?
One of the questions often asked in the context of estate planning in general is “Are my wishes actually going to be carried out?”
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$17,000 for Karinya House!
esterday we had a really lovely moment in the FGD Canberra office. We had the opportunity to present our friends from Karinya House with a $17,000 donation thanks to our FGD community!
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Truffles and a Will – two things that should be on your shopping list, not your bucket list!
Recently the FGD Estates team hosted an intimate event at The Truffle Farm which was an opportunity for us to treat a small group of our professional contacts to a really memorable event. We all loved it and came away with some unexpected parallels between truffles and estate planning.
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5 Legal Benefits of Marriage Equality, from a Family Lawyer’s Point of View
Marriage Equality in Australia is now a reality. But what benefits have same sex couples gained from this change in the law? Other than the fact that they are finally being treated as equal citizens, there are actually some important legal benefits as well. Here are 5 key benefits for...
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Are prenups binding in Australia?
What are prenups in Australia? Something I commonly hear when talking to non family lawyers is: “I’d like my clients to protect their assets from divorce, but prenups aren’t binding in Australia…” Well actually, they are! Prenups (or as we know them: Binding Financial Agreements – BFA’s for short) ARE...
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